Approval to use the S.A.V.E. Mohave Contract Bid in accordance with the Alhambra ESD #68 Contract IFB #M16-13-21 Concrete and Paving Site Work with Sunland Asphalt.
Background Information
Gila County Facilities has identified parking lots at numerous County complexes as needing to be repaired and/or replaced. Funds have been budgeted to begin to address the parking lots. While work is needed on multiple lots, we have identified four as being priorities. They are Globe Courthouse Parking, Payson Courthouse Complex Parking, Gila County Jail Parking, and Gila County Fairgrounds. This agenda item will address two of those areas, the Jail and the Fairgrounds.
The Courthouse will be addressed in the upcoming fiscal year and the Payson Courthouse Complex will be addressed with the ongoing work at that complex.
Gila County is a member of the S.A.V.E. Cooperative through Arizona State Procurement and the Greater Phoenix Purchasing Consortium of Schools is also a part of the S.A.V.E. Cooperative. Both are allowed to ‘piggyback’ off of each other’s contracts (see page 17 of Bid #M16-13-21). Sunland Asphalt has worked for the County on smaller previous projects and has produced quality work at a reasonable price.
The Public Works Division Director requests the approval of a contract with Sunland Asphalt for parking lot work at the Gila County Fairgrounds and the Gila County Jail in Globe as shown on the respective scopes of work. Gila County is a member of ProcureAZ and the S.A.V.E. Cooperative for cooperative purchasing. By using the Mohave S.A.V.E. Contract IFB #M16-13-21 with Sunland Asphalt, it will save the County both time and money for a rate that has already been established through the Mohave bidding process.
It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the Board of Supervisors approve the use of the S.A.V.E. Cooperative in Accordance with the Alhambra ESD #68 Contract IFB #M16-13-21 with Sunland Asphalt for paving the parking lots at the Gila County Fairgrounds and the Gila County Jail in Globe as shown on Exhibit “A” proposal 77161.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to approve the use of the S.A.V.E. Cooperative in accordance with the Alhambra ESD #68 Contract IFB #M16-13-21 with Sunland Asphalt for paving the parking lots at the Gila County Fairgrounds and the Gila County Jail in Globe as shown on Exhibit “A” of this agenda item in the amount of $85,202.41 for the Fairgrounds and $62,727.33 for the Jail. (Steve Sanders)
Exhibit A
IFB M16-13-21 Concrete and Paving Site Work
Notice of Award_Sunland
Israel Boycott Certificate
S.A.V.E. Cooperative Purchasing Group IGA with the County