Contract Award for Service Agreement No. 071317-Major Rehabilitation Project HH#10752.
Background Information
Local communities in Arizona are faced with the increasing challenge of balancing future growth while keeping existing housing stock from declining. The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) administers Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for programs through units of local government which provide rehabilitation to certain property types, owned and occupied, as the primary residence of low-income homeowners.
The CDBG program is a federally funded program through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and authorized by Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. CDBG provides grant opportunities for community revitalization to ensure decent housing, a suitable living environment and economic opportunity for rural Arizona.
The Town of Winkelman will receive and disburse CDBG funds from a grant pursuant to a contract with ADOH. Gila County Housing services is providing technical and administrative services to the Town of Winkelman through an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), which was approved by the Gila County Board of Supervisors on June 20, 2017.
Through an IGA, the Gila County Community Services Division, Housing Services, will provide, as necessary, all technical, administrative and project assistance to ensure proper, efficient, and successful completion of all approved projects for the Town of Winkelman. Rehabilitation services will be completed by February 28, 2018.
A Request for Bid proposals was advertised in the Arizona Silver Belt newspaper on May 10, 2017, with bids due on May 24, 2017. A mandatory pre-bid walk-through was held on May 15, 2017. In attendance at the walk-through were Mountain Retreat Builders, and Rodriguez Constructions, Inc. One bid was received and opened in a public setting on May 24, 2017.
Providing rehabilitation services to this home will provide a healthy, safe and energy efficient home for this family.
It is the goal of the Finance Division Director and the Community Services Division Director to award a contract to the lowest, most responsible and qualified bidder. By approving this award request, the Gila County Housing Services Program will be in compliance with CDBG requirements and the IGA between Gila County and the Town of Winkelman.
The Community Services Division Director recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve Service Agreement No. 071317-Major Rehabilitation Project HH#10752 with Rodriguez Constructions, Inc.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to approve Service Agreement No. 071317 between the Gila County Community Services Division, Housing Services, and Rodriguez Constructions, Inc. for Major Rehabilitation Project No. HH#10752, whereby Rodriguez Constructions, Inc. will provide housing rehabilitation services to a single family household unit located in Winkelman, Arizona, for a fee of $68,630 with all work to be completed by October 31, 2017. (James Menlove/Malissa Buzan)
Service Agreement No. 071317 with Rodriguez Constructions, Inc.