Arizona Criminal Justice Commission Drug, Gang and Crime Control Grant Agreement No. DC -18-023.
Background Information
Agreement No. DC-018-023 - This grant has been in effect for 27 years and it is also known as the Byrne Prosecution Grant. This grant assists with funding a full-time prosecutor for drug and violent crime prosecution.
The Gila County Attorney's Office submitted the grant application on February 24, 2017 requesting a grand total of $80,142.00 with the project cost to included:
State: $28,050.00
Federal: $ 32,057.00
Match: $20,035.00
Grand Total: $80,142.00
The total to be paid by the Commission under this Grant Agreement shall not exceed:
State: $20,824.00
Federal: $ 23,798.00
Match: $14,873.00
Grand Total: $59,495.00
This grant requires a match in the amount of $14,873.00 which will come from the County's General Fund.
Agreement No. DC-18-023 - The Drug, Gang and Crime Control Grant is essential to provide funding for the salary and benefits of a prosecutor who works in tandem with the Gila County Narcotics Task Force.
Agreement No. DC-18-023 - The Drug, Gang and Crime Control Program allows state, county, local and tribal governments to support activities that combat drug, gangs and violent crime. This grant provides a significant portion of the funding for a full-time prosecutor to work in tandem with the Gila County Narcotics Task Forces in effort to curb crime in Gila County through investigation, arrest and prosecution.
Agreement No. DC-18-023 - That the Gila County Board of Supervisors approve the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission Drug, Gang and Crime Control Grant Agreement in the amount of $59,495.00. The Chairman's signature is required.
Suggested Motion
Approval of fiscal year 2018 Drug, Gang and Crime Control Grant Agreement No. DC-18-023 between Gila County and the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission in the amount of $59,495 for the period of July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.
Byrne Prosecution DC-18-023 Grant Agreement
OMB Circulars Link - Section 16
2015 DOJ Financial Guide - Section 25
OMB Circular A133_revised_2007 - Section 41
Manual_GrantReferenceManual - Section 42
Office of Justice Programs, Award Conditions - Section 43