Attachments |
Gila County Attorney's Office VC-18-052 FY18 REVISED Grant Agreement
Gila County Attorney's Office VC-18-052 FY18 grant agreement
Gila County Attorney VC-18-052 FY18 grant letter
Grant Agreement Instructions
GMS Assigning Points of Contact 051513
OMB Circulars Link - Section 16
2015 DOJ Financial Guide - Section 25
OMB Circular A133_revised_2007 - Section 41
Manual_GrantReferenceManual - Section 42
Office of Justice Programs, Award Conditions - Section 43
Public_-_Identifying_Excluded_Entities - Section 46
OJP Training Guiding Principles for Grantees and Subgrantees - Section 49
Equal Treatment Regulation link - Section 54
UseofConviction_Advisory - Section 56
305 - Subgrantee Discrimination Complaint Procedures - Section 59
National Information Exchange Model - Section 61
Global Standards Package Grant Condition - Section 62
FINAL PROGRAM GUIDELINES, VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT FY 1997 VICTIM COMPENSATION PROGRAM - Agreement Continuation Sheet Specail conditions - Section 8
Approval as to Form