The Superior Court of Gila County respectfully requests acceptance of the Funding Agreement No. 1804S001 with the Administrative Office of the Courts for the court's Field Trainer position.
Background Information
On May 9, 2017, the Superior Court presented the Field Trainer grant application before this Board for review, approval, and signature. The Board of Supervisors approved the application.
Throughout 2017, the Superior Court worked collaboratively with County Administration to find an appropriate method to reintroduce the Field Trainer position. Given the amount of automation initiatives anticipated in the immediate future, the position was deemed highly desirable by court leadership. Working with the County, and the Administrative Office of the Courts, the Superior Court was successful in applying for a Field Trainer grant.
Working with the County, and the Administrative Office of the Courts, the Superior Court was successful in applying for a Field Trainer grant. Approval of the Funding Agreement No. 1804S001 is now before the Board for consideration.
The Superior Court recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the Funding Agreement No. 1804S001 with the Administrative Office of the Courts for the Field Trainer grant.
Suggested Motion
Approval of Funding Agreement No. 1804S001 between the Arizona Superior Court, Administrative Office of the Courts, and the Gila County Superior Court to accept grant funds in the amount of $59,082 that will be used to fund a Field Trainer position for the period July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018, and of which $34,082 of the total will come from the County's General Fund.