Gila County Order No. LL-17-03 Liquor License Application.
Background Information
Jason Conan Harris has submitted an application to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control (DLLC) for a new Series 12 Restaurant License at the Creekside Steakhouse & Tavern located in Payson. Part of the statutory process is once the DLLC accepts and processes the license, it is sent to the local governing body in which city, town or county the establishment is located. Upon the local governing body's, which in Gila County is the Board of Supervisors' (Board), review of the application, a recommendation is then issued to the DLLC to either approve, deny or issue a "no recommendation" decision.
Per statutory requirements, a notice of hearing by the Board was posted at the establishment for a period of 20 days, specifically to inform any person residing, owning, or leasing property within a one-mile radius of the establishment of this application. To date, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors has not received any objections to this application.
The DLLC has forwarded the application to the Clerk of the Board. An internal review has been conducted by the Planning and Zoning Department, Health Department, and Treasurer's Office. The departments and elected office have confirmed that there are no pending issues relevant to their area of responsibility.
All of Gila County's requirements have been met with regard to this application; no one has submitted a written objection to this application; therefore, a public hearing should be held by the Board to entertain any comments from the public relating to this application before the Board takes an action to issue a recommendation to the DLLC.
The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors recommends that the Board issue an approval recommendation to the DLLC.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Order No. LL-17-03, a liquor license application submitted by Jason Conan Harris for a new Series 12 Restaurant License at the Creekside Steakhouse & Tavern located in Payson. (Marian Sheppard)
Creekside Steakhouse - Application
Creekside Steakhouse - Community Development Review
Creekside Steakhouse - Health & Emergency Services' Review