Cobre Valley Indoor Farms and the Apache Hemp R&D Project 2019.
Background Information
Elvin Fant and Charles Vargas briefly addressed the Board of Supervisors during a call to the public at the Board's May 28, 2019, meeting. Mr. Fant is the President of Cobre Valley Indoor Farms and Mr. Vargas is the Director of the Chamber of Commerce for the Apache Nation. In summary, Mr. Fant and Mr. Vargas would like to partner with the County and others with regard to economic development, so they requested to be placed on a future Board agenda to talk about partnering with the County on Cobre Valley Indoor Farms and or the Apache Hemp R&D Project 2019. James Menlove, County Manager, authorized Mr. Fant and Mr. Vargas to provide a presentation at the Board's June 25th Work Session.
It would be beneficial for the Board and the public to learn about the activities of Cobre Valley Indoor Farms and the Apache Hemp R&D Project 2019. Mr. Fant and Mr. Vargas would like to discuss ways that the County could partner with these endeavors.
It is recommended that Mr. Fant and Mr. Vargas be provided an opportunity to share information on the activities of the Cobre Valley Indoor Farms and the Apache Hemp R&D Project 2019.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion regarding the activities of Cobre Valley Indoor Farms and the Apache Hemp R&D Project 2019. (Elvin Fant/Charles Vargas)