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Regular BOS Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/06/2022  
Submitted For: Michael O'Driscoll Submitted By: Celena Cates, Emergency Planner
Department: Health & Emergency Management Division: Emergency Management

Adoption of Resolution No. 22-09-04 which updates and adopts the 2022 Gila County Emergency Operations Plan.
Background Information
The Gila County Emergency Operations Plan (GCEOP) serves as a guide to facilitate the County’s response to all disasters within its jurisdiction and to coordinate resources of the state, federal, city, town, tribal, non-governmental organizations, and private sector relief organizations in the response and recovery process. The GCEOP also establishes a comprehensive, countywide, all-hazards approach to providing effective and efficient incident management in all phases of an emergency including preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. This plan specifies the roles and responsibilities of local governments in times of disaster. In addition to the basic plan, the GCEOP includes the following:
  1. Emergency Support Function Annexes: These annexes address Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to support the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) staff in performing their functions. The annexes represent a set of specific plans that are complementary to the GCEOP and used during specific, significant emergency situations that require unique planning beyond the all-hazards approach within the Basic Plan (see attached Gila County Emergency Support Function Annexes).
  2. Incident Annexes: These annexes address contingency or hazard situations requiring the specialized application of the GCEOP. They describe the missions, policies, responsibilities, and coordination processes that govern the interaction of public and private entities engaged in incident management and emergency response operations across a spectrum of potential hazards. These annexes are typically augmented by a variety of supporting plans and operational supplements.
  3. Support Annexes: These annexes provide guidance and develop specific information and direction for the functional processes and administrative requirements necessary to ensure efficient and effective implementation of incident management objectives.
  4. Appendices: The appendices contain supplemental forms for the GCEOP and its annexes listed above.
In 2019, the GCEOP was updated to include all Public Health Emergency Preparedness emergency response plans (e.g., epidemiological, mass care, mass fatality, all hazards, medical countermeasures, etc.).

The revisions/updates to the 2022 GCEOP include:
  1. Updates to the legal authorities in the GCEOP Basic Plan, and the Public Health Emergency Response standalone plans.
  2. Revisions to the ESF, Incident, and Support Annexes to support improvement planning efforts identified in after-action reports from real-world incidents (e.g., COVID-19 Pandemic, Wildfires, Winter Storm) and exercises conducted to test the plans.
  3. Addition of an Active Shooter Annex in the Incident Annexes.
The Gila County Emergency Operations Plan was developed through a multi-agency group of local, state, and federal response partners to ensure that all community preparedness and response recommendations were met. This plan establishes the emergency organization for the County, assigns tasks, specifies policies and general procedures, and provides for coordination of the duties of Gila County in both response and recovery procedures.

This plan builds upon previous efforts to enhance the County’s emergency and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities and includes the critical elements of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the National Response Framework (NRF), and the Incident Command System (ICS).
The adoption of Resolution No. 22-09-04 which updates and adopts the 2022 Gila County Emergency Operations Plan will provide local agencies and departments with an approved plan to enhance the County’s emergency and disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery capabilities.
The Gila County Health and Emergency Management Department Director recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt Resolution No. 22-09-04 which updates the 2022 Gila County Emergency Operations Plan.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No. 22-09-04 to update and adopt the 2022 Gila County Emergency Operations Plan. (Josh Beck)

Resolution No. 22-09-04
Basic Plan (EOP)
ESF Annexes (EOP)
Incident Annexes (EOP)
Support Annexes (EOP)
Appendices (EOP)
Annex Matrix 2022

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