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Regular Agenda Item  
4. F.
Regular BOS Meeting
Meeting Date:
Submitted For:
Steve Sanders
Submitted By:
Betty Hurst, Contracts Administrator
Public Works
Fiscal Year:
Contract Dates
Begin & End:
09-06-22 to 09-05-23
Approval to use State Contract No. ADSPO18-207044 with JE Fuller Hydrology & Geomorphology, for Telegraph Fire Flood Alert System
Background Information
After the Telegraph Fire, the ground has much less vegetation to hold the moisture when it rains. The run-off of the moisture has the potential to flow much faster in a larger volume. To give officials the tools to alert the public and be aware of potential flooding the engineering firm will provide more answers for alert status. Using State Contract No. ADSPO18-207044 with JE Fuller contract time has been extended to July 21, 2023. JE Fuller expects to get another extension before the current expiration date.
The work will involve maintaining the existing equipment. Possibly adding new stream gauge/precipitation data collection stations if requested. These stations will provide more information for the local authorities if a flood occurs. Cameras in some of those areas will provide a visual for authorities. The dedicated web-based maps for viewing live data will assist authorities and the public to be more prepared.
Hiring JE Fuller to assist the County in alerting county officials and the public to the possibility of flooding and working with them to identify the potential areas with more equipment is important in the post-fire situation. The previous contract was reimbursable through the U.S. Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM), but the maintenance once the installation is done, is not. Funding will have to come from the Gila County General Fund.
The Public Works Department Director recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the use of Arizona State Contract No. ADSPO18-207044 with JE Fuller/Hydrology & Geomorphology, Inc. in the amount of $98,000 for maintenance of the flood ALERT system in the areas of the four watersheds affected by the Telegraph Fire for the period of September 6, 2022, to September 5. 2023.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to approve the use of Arizona State Contract No. ADSPO18-207044 with JE Fuller/Hydrology & Geomorphology, Inc. in the amount of $98,000 for maintenance of the flood ALERT system in the areas of the four watersheds affected by the Telegraph Fire for the period of September 6, 2022, to September 5, 2023.
(Steve Sanders)
Contract Agreement
JE Fuller Proposal
State Contract ADSPO18-207044 Extension
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