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Regular BOS Meeting
Meeting Date: 06/01/2021  
Submitted For: Michael O'Driscoll Submitted By: Betty Hurst, Contracts Administrator
Department: Health & Emergency Management  
Fiscal Year: 2021-2022 Budgeted?: Yes
Contract Dates
Begin & End:
08-01-21 to 05-31-22 Grant?: Yes
Fund?: Renewal

Advertisement of Request for Proposals No. 052421-Sub-Grantee for COVID-19 School Wraparound Support Services
Background Information
The Gila County Health and Emergency Management Department will utilize the proposed funds to complement, not duplicate, existing funding previously provided, including the ELC community-based Surveillance, ELC Enhanced Plus, and ELC Cares Act supplements. The project aims for Gila County Public Health is to leverage, and build upon, our existing public health infrastructure that emphasizes the coordination and critical integration of disease investigation, epidemiology, contact tracing, and electronic health information systems in order to maximize the public health impact of available resources. The primary goals will be: 1) to use our close relationship with Gila County schools to encourage participation in the Pooled Testing program offered by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS)  in collaboration with Ginkgo Bioworks: 20 to enhance our disease investigation procedures by referring positive school cases to our wraparound services to support their abilities to successfully quarantine/isolate during their COVIS-19 experience. Ongoing monitoring of milestones and performance measures will be utilized to gauge progress toward the successful completion of priority activities supported with these funds.

This funding notification was received from ADHS on May 12, 2021, with a project start date and end date of August 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022, in order to align with the typical school year. This is a one-year award in the amount of $828,927.

Gila County is seeking proposals from organization(s) for the provision of operational and programmatic public health consultation services for planning deliverables required by (ADHS). Awardee will assist with the coordination and collaboration efforts of Gila County Health and Emergency Management in meeting the federal grant obligations related to enhancing our disease investigation procedures by referring positive tested COVID-19 school cases to our wraparound services (e.g., lodging, food, laundering, cleaning, transportation, mental health services, etc.) to support their abilities to successfully quarantine/isolate during their COVID-19 experience.

Gila County will contract with one organization to provide subject-matter expertise, operational strategic planning, education, skills training, and wraparound resources. Eligible applicants include Community Based Organizations (CBO), non-profit corporations, and/or agencies that have experience in the administration of public health programs, public health education, and social support services. Expertise in social support planning and delivery, capacity-building, accounting, and document preparation and review is required.
Although we are currently managing a lower number of cases than during our January peak, it is becoming clear that the COVID-19 pandemic has transitioned to an endemic disease with numerous variants that continue to threaten the health of Gila County schools. With the continued unknown of future waves of cases and variants, Covid-19 testing, disease investigations, and contact tracing, continue to be the most critical tools for preventing the spread of the disease in our schools. Additionally, working with schools and their staff and/or students who may need support and information to help them stay at home to slow transmission, as well as to help schools that have fully re-opened for in-person learning to continue to stay open with best practices is a top priority. Successful disease investigation continues to depend on reaching the known cases and contacts quickly with a well-trained and knowledgeable staff all while establishing a trusting bond with school members who may be worried about the impact of isolation and illness on themselves and their abilities to care for their families.  As we have experienced throughout this pandemic thus far, the success of quarantine and isolation often depends on the support of family, friends, the community, and the local health department’s ability to assist with support services when those needs are not met.

Outcomes anticipated for this project plan include: (1) Increased participation in services offered; (2) Services that “work” for school positive cases and families; (3) Achievement of team goals; (4) Increased social support and community integration of services and support; 4) Improved coping and problem-solving of clients; 5) Enhanced empowerment throughout the isolation/quarantine; 6) Enhanced optimism and self-esteem as a result of services/support.

The purpose of this proposal will be to provide high-quality wraparound services.  High-quality teamwork and flexible funds will lead to better plans, and a better fit between client needs and the services/supports available. These will lead to greater relevance for students, families, and staff, less negative outcomes, and improved resiliency. By determining and developing strengths, needs, and culturally appropriate and matching services, there will be more complete partnerships with families and providers. This will all lead to improved outcomes for COVID positive cases in schools, which leads to improved school outcomes, decreased community spread of disease, and increased use of services to proliferate the improved outcomes to more of the community. Ultimately, these improved outcomes will lead to further in-person schooling with less distraction and disruptions. To comply with mandated grant guidelines, Gila County will consult with public health professionals experienced in public health education, services delivery, and social supports. Without consulting these services Gila County would have to employ multiple full-time and part-time employees that have these skills and without long-term funding as this is only a 10-month award.
To meet the grant requirements, Gila County is seeking contract support services for the administration of our ELC School Reopening Grant Award Application program in alignment with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) strategies and recommendations. Gila County will contract with one Arizona-based organization to collaborate with Gila County Health and Emergency Management to enhance our disease investigation procedures by referring positive tested COVID-19 school cases to public health educators and wraparound services (e.g., lodging, food, laundering, cleaning, transportation, mental health services, etc.) to support their abilities to successfully quarantine/isolate during their COVID-19 experience. 
Upon approval from the Board of Supervisors, the advertisement for Request for Proposals No. 052421- Sub-grantee for COVID-19 School Wraparound Support Services will run on June 8, 2021, and June 15, 2021, editions of the Payson Roundup newspaper with a proposal due date of June 23, 2021.
It is the recommendation of the Finance Director and the Health and Emergency Management Department Director that the Board of Supervisors approve the grant application for the ELC School Reopening Grant Award application for $828,927 for August 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022, and authorize the advertisement of Request for Proposals No. 052421 - Sub-grantee for COVID-19 School Wraparound Support Services to be published for two consecutive weeks in the Payson Roundup newspaper.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the advertisement of Request for Proposals No. 052420-Sub-grantee for COVID-19 School Wraparound Support Services and to accept the Gila County ELC School Reopening grant award in the amount of $828,927 for the period August 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022. (Michael O'Driscoll)

Request to Advertise
Request for Proposal No. 052421
Gila County ELC School Reopening Budget Narrative

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