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Regular Agenda Item  
2. G.
Regular BOS Meeting
Meeting Date:
Submitted For:
Stella Gore
Submitted By:
Paula Horn, Deputy Director of Pub. Hlth. & Comm. Serv.
Administration Services
Fiscal Year:
Contract Dates
Begin & End:
July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Approval of Amendment 2 to Funding Agreement No. 203-24 with the Arizona Department of Housing for the Weatherization Assistance Program.
Background Information
The primary mission of the Gila County Public Health and Community Services Department, Housing Services' Weatherization Program is to reduce the fuel or electricity expenses for space heating, space cooling, and water heating for income-eligible households while improving the health and safety of the dwelling's occupants. The Weatherization Program enables income-eligible families to reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy-efficient.
Funding Agreement No. 203-24 was approved by the Board of Supervisors on 8/1/2023 and provided $121,662 of DOE (Department of Energy) funding, $20,389 to DOE WRF (Weatherization Readiness Fund) funding, and $76,431 to LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) funding for a new contract amount of $218,482 to be expended by June 30, 2024.
Amendment 1 to Funding Agreement No. 203-24 was approved by the Board of Supervisors on 01/02/24 and increased the DOE WRF funding by $24,487 and LIHEAP funding by $350,000.
Amendment 2 Funding Agreement No 203-24 will increase the carryover amount of $349,648.68 for a total LIHEAP award of $776,079.68 to be expended by June 30, 2024.
Amendment 2 to Funding Agreement No. 203-24 increases the LIHEAP funding by $349,648.68 for a contract total of $776,079.68. This amendment also increases the completed unit requirement to 46.
With the Board of Supervisors' approval of Amendment 2 to Funding Agreement No. 203-24, Gila County Public Health and Community Services Department, Housing Services' Weatherization Program will receive increased funding to provide weatherization services to eligible citizens residing in Gila County.
The Public Health and Community Services Department Director recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve Amendment 2 to Funding Agreement 203-24 in order for the Gila County Public Health and Community Services Department, Housing Services' Weatherization Program to provide weatherization services to eligible citizens residing in Gila County.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 2 to Funding Agreement No. 203-24 between the Arizona Department of Housing and Gila County Public Health and Community Services Department, Housing Services' Weatherization Program to use Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program funding and increase the amount of the contract by $349,648.68 for a total contract amount of $776,079.68 for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.
(Stella Gore)
Amendment No. 2 Funding Agreement No. 203-24
Amendment 1 Funding Agreement No. 203-24
Funding Agreement No. 203-24 with the Arizona Department of Housing
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