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  Regular Agenda Item     2. K.    
Regular BOS Meeting
Meeting Date: 04/16/2024  
Submitted For: Homero Vela Submitted By: Betty Hurst, Contracts Administrator
Department: Public Works  
Fiscal Year: 2024 Budgeted?: Yes
Contract Dates
Begin & End:
09-19-23 to 07-31-24 Grant?: No
Fund?: Renewal

Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 120422 - Roosevelt Lake Resort Stagecoach Trail Improvement Project.
Background Information
On September 19, 2023, the Board of Supervisors approved Contract No. 120422 - Roosevelt Lake Resort Stagecoach Trail Improvement Project. The original contract was executed for a not to exceed without written authorization amount of $668,800.
Staff have received a total of five change orders totaling $153,226.89 bringing the total construction costs to $761,226.89. After deduction of $60,800 in owner’s contingency and a $1,275.00 credit from Visus Engineering Construction, Inc., an amendment in the amount of is $91,151.89 is needed.

All other terms, conditions, and provisions of the original Contract shall remain the same.
It is in the best interest of Gila County to issue Amendment No. 1 to Contract 120422 - Roosevelt Lake Resort Stagecoach Trail Improvement Project in the amount of $91,151.89 to compensate Visus Engineering Construction Inc. for the approved change orders.
It is the recommendation of the Public Works Department Director that the Board of Supervisors approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract 120422 - Roosevelt Lake Resort Stagecoach Trail Improvement Project in the amount of $91,151.89, increasing the total contract amount to $761,226.89. All other terms, conditions, and provisions of the original Contract shall remain the same.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract 120422 - Roosevelt Lake Resort Stagecoach Trail Improvement Project in the amount of $91,151.89, increasing the total contract amount to $761,226.89. (Homero Vela)

Amendement No. 1 to Contract 120422
Contract No. 120422 with Visus Engineering Construction, Inc.

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