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Regular BOS Meeting
Meeting Date: 04/16/2024  
Submitted For: Carl Melford Submitted By: Stephanie Chaidez, Contracts Administrator
Department: Administration Services  
Fiscal Year: FY2024 & FY2025 Budgeted?: Yes
Contract Dates
Begin & End:
One year from signature Grant?: No
Fund?: New

Authorization to advertise Invitation for Bids No. 032124 - Northern Gila County Water Storage System Project.
Background Information
In 2006, Gila County in collaboration with the Tonto National Forest Service and local fire districts installed water tanks and bladders in areas that could be reached by helicopters. The intent was to put out fires as soon as they are detected in the Rim Country area (Payson). The idea was to position the water sites so that the turnaround time for the helicopters would be less than five minutes.

On March 15, 2022, through Senator Mark Kelly's Office, Gila County was awarded $609,000 in Congressionallydirected earmark monies to be used for maintaining water storage systems for wildfire protection in Gila County. The award expires in September 2025.
When the $609,000 was awarded, the funds went directly to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) for disbursement to Gila County. In our discussions with the USFS, it was discovered that since the $609,000 was sent directly to the USFS, any disbursements of these funds must follow their grant application process. In further discussion with the USFS, we were informed that this funding has a 1:1 match requirement attached to it. This match can be financial, in-kind activities, or a combination of both. The in-kind match can be contributions consisting of donated time and effort, real non-expendable personal property, and goods and services directly benefiting and specifically identifiable to the supported activity or project.

The breakdown of this Congressionally directed earmark award would be $609,000 from the USFS with a $609,000 match from Gila County (financial, in-kind activities, or a combination) for a total of $1,218,000.

On August 30, 2022, the Gila County Board of Supervisors authorized a grant application to the USFS to accept a Congressionally directed earmark award of $609,000 for maintaining water storage systems for wildfire protection in Gila County.

On November 29, 2022, and December 6, 2022, the Gila County Emergency Management Department sought guidance from the Gila County Board of Supervisors on how to best allocate the funds from the Congressionally directed earmark award of $609,000 to be used for maintaining water storage systems for wildfire protection in Gila County with the understanding that this funding comes with a 1:1 match of $609,000 for Gila County that can be in cash, in-kind activities, or a combination of both for the period of March 2022 to September 2025.
In times of forest fires, the availability of a ready water supply can be unreliable due to demand or environmental conditions, especially in rural or remote areas. Having a secondary source of water in key locations, such as a water bladder tank for emergencies can make a difference in protecting properties within Gila County.

The average lifespan of a water bladder tank is five to seven years. Gila County currently has 14 high-priority water tanks and storage systems locations throughout high-risk wildfire areas. Many of these sites have old water bladders with deteriorating water storage tanks. This funding provides the opportunity for the evaluation and purchase of new water tank storage systems to replace the dilapidated tanks and old bladders and to hire a qualified contractor to transport and install 56-5,000 Gallon water storage tanks to the 14 locations. This will increase the capability of fire suppression efforts which is vital to the protection of Gila County residents’ life and property in areas prone to wildfires.

The 14 sites owned by Gila County (map included below) are currently outfitted with water bladders and a dip tank. Contractors must level a 10’ x 50’ portion of land within proximity to the dip tanks. The leveled area should be covered in a layer of granite or sand to prevent erosion. The 56 tanks will be stored at the Gila County Public Works yard at 5318 AZ-260, Star Valley, AZ 85541. Four tanks are to be transported by contractors to each site, placed, and leveled with the plumbed sections of each tank accessible to vehicles. Once the tanks are leveled, each will need to be filled with 5,000 gallons of water.
Due to the age and condition of the current water tanks and storage systems that the USFS uses for quick wildfire suppression and response in high-risk areas of Gila County, this project will greatly assist in upgrading those systems throughout Gila County.

The Gila County Emergency Management Department recommends that the Board of Supervisors authorize the advertisement of Invitation for Bids No. 032124 - Northern Gila County Water Storage Systems Project.

Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the advertisement of Invitation for Bids No. 032124 - Northern Gila County Water Storage System Project. (Carl Melford)

Invitation for Bids No. 032124 Northern Gila County Water Storage System Project
Request to Advertise 032124

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