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Regular Agenda Item  
4. M.
Regular BOS Meeting
Meeting Date:
Submitted By:
Samantha Trimble, Deputy Clerk of the Board
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
Sealed bid for the purchase of Assessor's parcel number 207-05-003B.
Background Information
On June 25, 1992, the Gila County Treasurer deeded parcel number 207-05-003B to the State of Arizona c/o Board of Supervisors because the previous owner did not pay taxes on the subject property for 7 consecutive years. The lien amount for this property is $337.70.
The property adjoins Gila County Assessor's parcel number 207-05-003A, which is owned by Veneta Molina; however, the deed is under the name of Veneta Courtney. Ms. Molina has submitted a sealed bid for the Board of Supervisors' consideration. If the Board accepts Ms. Molina's bid, she intends to request that the Gila County Assessor combine the parcels, which is a win-win for both parties.
Each year the Board of Supervisors conducts an online auction through Public Surplus to sell properties that were newly deeded to the State of Arizona in care of the Board of Supervisors. Any properties that did not sell at the auction could be sold by the Clerk of the Board's office over the counter. Several years ago, the Board of Supervisors stopped selling state tax-deeded properties over the counter. Those properties may be sold an another online auction of the Board of Supervisors through Public Surplus. The only exception where a property may be sold by the Board of Supervisors for less than the lien amount is through the County's sealed bid process. Only an owner of land that adjoins a state tax-deeded property may submit a sealed bid for the Board's consideration; however, at the time they place the bid, they must show proof of adjoining ownership. The Board may consider selling a property for less than the lien amount from an adjoining land owner.
On March 12, 2024, Ms. Molina submitted a sealed bid to the Deputy Clerk of the Board to purchase the subject parcel.
It would be advantageous for the Board of Supervisors to consider a sealed bid from Ms. Molina. If the Board accepts the offer, the property will go back on the County's tax rolls.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors consider the sealed bid for the purchase of tax parcel number 207-05-003B.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to consider a sealed bid for the purchase of Assessor's tax parcel number 207-05-003B and, if accepted, authorize the Chairman's signature on the Quit Claim Deed.
(Samantha Trimble)
207-05-003B Info
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