Contract Award for Bid No. 041414 Bulk Fuel and Lubricants.
Background Information
On June 24, 2014, the Board of Supervisors awarded the fuel portion of Bid No. 041414 - Bulk Fuel and Lubricants, to the lowest, most responsive, responsible and qualified bidder, Canyon State Oil.
Addendum No. 1 to Invitation for Bid (IFB) No. 041414 was issued on May 19, 2014 in response to questions which had been submitted by prospective bidders. In response to one of the questions, Gila County stated that the award of the fuel and lubricants would not be split among bidders. All four vendors who submitted a sealed bid for Invitation for Bid No. 041414, acknowledged receipt of both addenda that were issued on this IFB.
Bids were received from four (4) suppliers. Three of the four bidders provided pricing for both fuel and lubricants, and one bidder provided pricing for lubricants only. Bid responses were evaluated in accordance with A.R.S. § 41-2533, Competitive Sealed Bidding; awards shall be made to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder whose bid conforms in all material respects to the requirements and criteria set forth in the Invitation for Bid.
The Finance and Public Works Departments have thoroughly reviewed and evaluated the bids submitted for Bid No. 041414 Bulk Fuel and Lubricants, and have determined that Canyon State Oil is the overall lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Amendment No. 1 has been issued to Canyon State Oil to correct the award of fuel only on Invitation for Bid No. 041414; and to include the Lubricant portion of the Invitation to Bid No. 041414 and thereby award the entire contract for Bulk Fuel and Lubricants to Canyon State Oil. If authorization is granted, Amendment No. 1 is attached to this agenda item for the Board's approval.
Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the award of Invitation for Bids No. 041414 for both bulk fuel and lubricants to Canyon State Oil - for a term of 12 months, from June 26, 2014, to June 25, 2015, with the option for two (2) one- (1) year contract term renewals; additionally, staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 041414 - Bulk Fuel and Lubricants.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to approve the award of the lubricant portion for Invitation for Bids No. 041414 for the purchase and delivery of bulk lubricants; award to the lowest, most responsive, responsible and qualified bidder; and authorize the Chairman's signature on Amendment No. 1 to Canyon State Oil, which will allow for the award of both fuel and lubricants on Contract No. 041414. (Jeff Hessenius)