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  Regular Agenda Item     2. S.    
Regular BOS Meeting
Meeting Date: 04/16/2024  
Submitted For: Woody Cline Submitted By: Cathy Melvin, Executive Assistant
Department: Board of Supervisors-District 3  
Fiscal Year: 2023 - 2024 Budgeted?: No
Contract Dates
Begin & End:
4/5/24 to 4/5/2025 Grant?: Yes
Fund?: New

Ratify the Board of Supervisors' approval to submit a proposal to the Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) to provide funding for Gila County's Summer Work Program including funding to establish two Youth Conservation Corps crews through the Arizona Conservation Corps; and approve the Agreement.
Background Information
On February 26, 2024, Gila County Supervisor Woody Cline and Assistant Cathy Melvin met with staff from the Arizona OEO to discuss the County's Summer Work Program. Arizona OEO staff shared that there were some unspent workforce funds at the state and they asked if Gila County would be interested in preparing a summary of the County's program and include associated costs. A proposal was prepared and submitted to Arizona OEO on March 20, 2024. The proposal was not presented to the Board of Supervisors for authorization.

On April 4, 2024, the Arizona OEO officially contacted County staff and advised the proposal was approved in the amount of $306,140.

The award in the amount of $306,140 will have no financial impact on Gila County and requires no matching funds from the County.
On April 4, 2024, Gila County received an email from the Arizona OEO that the proposal in the amount of $306,140 had been approved and a formal agreement would be forthcoming. The funds will be used to hire 66 summer workers in County departments, communities, and establish two Conservation Corps crews, one in Payson and one in Globe.

The Grant Agreement No. OEO-QUALITYJOB-24-06 was received by the County on 4/10/2024.
Gila County staff is requesting the Board's ratification for its approval to submit a proposal to the Arizona OEO in the amount of $306,140, and approve Grant Agreement No. OEO-QUALITYJOB-24-06 in the amount of $306,140.
It is recommended by County staff that the Board ratify its approval for the submittal of a proposal to the Arizona OEO in the amount of $306,140; and approve Grant Agreement No. OEO-QUALITYJOB-24-06.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to ratify the Board of Supervisors' approval to submit a proposal to the Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) in the amount of $306,140 for Gila County's Summer Work Program; and approve Grant Agreement No. OEO-QUALITYJOB-24-06 in the amount of $306,140. (Woody Cline/Cathy Melvin)

Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity Quality Jobs Grant Agreement No. OEO-QUALITYJOBS-24-06
Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity Gila County Summer Work Program Proposal
Approval as to Form

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