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  Regular Agenda Item     4. H.    
Regular BOS Meeting
Meeting Date: 03/16/2021  
Submitted For: Mary Springer Submitted By: Mary Springer, Finance Director
Department: Finance  

Adoption of Resolution No. 21-03-02 to approve the submittal and subsequent award of a grant by the Tonto Apache Tribe to the Pine-Strawberry Fire District (PSFD) in the amount of $15,000; and agree for Gila County to be the fiscal agent for said grant award.
Background Information
Under the Arizona Tribal-State Gaming Compacts, tribes with casinos contribute 1 to 8 percent of their gaming revenue each year to the State, and to cities, towns, and counties. Contributions are determined on a sliding scale based on the amount of gaming revenue. Each tribe reports its Class III Net Win to ADG on a monthly and quarterly basis. Arizona Department of Gaming audits the tribes' gaming revenues and contributions. Tribal contributions are distributed as follows:
  • 12 percent is distributed by the tribe to the cities, towns and counties of their choosing for community services and public safety programs for local governments.
The PSFD is requesting assistance from the Tonto Apache Tribe for gaming grant funding to support its critical equipment replacement program. Much of the equipment in use today is 20 years old or older. The PSFD Critical Equipment Replacement Program will ensure that firefighters have reliable equipment to conduct firefighting and emergency operations.
The goal of this program will be to ensure no PSFD equipment is more than 10 years old or beyond what is considered safe for our firefighters. A secondary goal will be to obtain technically advanced equipment which will act as a force multiplier for our personnel. To achieve this goal the PSFD intends to engage any and all potential funding sources. This program will run for multiple years until equipment needs are met.

This program will benefit the approximately 20,000 Rim Country residents and the many more guests who visit our area annually by ensuring firefighters are responding with the equipment needed to keep them safe.
Critical Equipment list:
•            Nozzles for firefighting - Older than 20 years and not fully functional.
•            Hose for firefighting - Older than 20 years and at risk of failure.
•            Radios - Older than 10 years and failing functional tests.
•            Folding water tanks - Older than 20 years and at risk of failure.
•            Trash Hooks - None (Needed for safe overhaul operations.)
•            Chain Saws - Older than 10 years and repair parts limited.
•            Rescue Struts - None (Needed to safely stabilize motor vehicles.)
•            Emergency Scene Lighting - No portable capable scene lights.
•            Ballistic Vests - None (Needed to operate in shooter threat environments.)
*            Technical Force Multiplier Equipment needs:
•            Advanced Thermal Imaging - Current capability is older technology.
•            Remote Imaging/ Drone Technology- No current remote imaging capability.
•            GPS Tracking - No GPS tracking technology to track emergency personnel.
The PSFD is reaching out to Arizona tribes which are part of the gaming compact to secure funding for its multi-year critical equipment replacement program. The Tonto Apache Tribe has approved $15,000 to aid in the replacement program.
By the Board of Supervisors adopting Resolution No. 21-03-02, it will allow Gila County to be the fiscal agent for the PSFD and accept $15,000 of grant funding from the Tonto Apache Tribe on behalf of the PSFD.
Chief Wisner and the PSFD governing board recommend that the Board of Supervisors adopt Resolution No. 21-03-02.
Suggested Motion
Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No. 21-03-02 in support of a grant application submitted to the Tonto Apache Tribe by the Pine-Strawberry Fire District (PSFD); authorizing Gila County to act as the fiscal agent for the PSFD; and accepting funding in the amount of $15,000 from the Tonto Apache Tribe on behalf of the PSFD.  (Mary Springer)

Resolution No. 21-03-02
Grant Award
Tonto Apache Grant Application

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